Ash shinqitee biography

Shinqeeti institute

He was born in the year 1907 (or 1897) in a region called “Shanqeet” also known as the Chinguetti Department which is the eastern part of the state of Mauritania, which lies on the .
ash shinqitee biography

Sheikh rabee madkhali islamqa

He traveled to Saudi for Hajj in the year 1367 H. and settled in Madeenah as a teacher in the Prophetic Masjid.

Shanqītī mauritania

His other son, Shaykh Muhammad al-Mukhtaar Ibn Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee.
Sheikh muhammad al-mukhtar ash-shinqitee death
He was born in 1325H in the region known as Shanqeet, which is the eastern part of the state of Mauritania, which lies on the (eastern) coast of the Atlantic Ocean, south of Morocco and .