Peppi azzopardi blogilates

Peppi azzopardi blogilates 8

Written by Peppi Azzopardi and with music by Philip Vella, the song appeals to the listener to try and relate to the inmates’ experiences.

peppi azzopardi blogilates

Peppi azzopardi blogilates

Kanzunetta oriġinali bi kliem ta’ Peppi Azzopardi u mużika ta’ Philip Vella tiddeskrivi dak li jgħaddu priġunieri u l-qraba tagħhom.

Peppi azzopardi blogilates 7

A phrase commonly used by the host Peppi Azzoppardi was fil-qosor, translated to "in short", asking participants to keep their thoughts brief.

Peppi azzopardi blogilates 5
The gutsy decision recently taken on 10th June by the Broadcasting Authority (BA) in favour of a complaint (as per code ) Peppi Azzopardi and myself submitted, is .